The assassination of Thomas Becket

The assassination of Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, on December 29, 1170 is one of the most famous events in English history. Becket was a close friend and advisor of King Henry II, but their relationship turned sour when Becket opposed the king’s attempts to control the Church. This conflict ultimately led to Becket’s murder in Canterbury Cathedral.

Thomas Becket was born in London in 1118 to a wealthy and influential family. He was educated at Merton Priory and later attended the University of Paris, where he studied law and theology. In 1154, Becket returned to England and entered the service of King Henry II.

Becket proved to be a loyal and efficient administrator, and he quickly rose through the ranks of Henry’s court. In 1155, he was appointed Chancellor of England, the highest office in the land after the king himself. Becket served in this position for six years, and he became one of Henry’s closest advisors and friends.

However, the relationship between Becket and Henry began to sour in the late 1150s. Henry was a strong-willed and ambitious king who was determined to assert his authority over the Church in England. In particular, he wanted to reduce the power of the Pope and the bishops, and he wanted to increase the power of the king and the state.

Becket, on the other hand, was a devout and devoutly religious man who believed that the Church should be independent of the state. He was determined to defend the rights and privileges of the Church, and he was willing to stand up to Henry in order to do so.

The conflict between Becket and Henry came to a head in 1163, when Henry appointed Becket as Archbishop of Canterbury. Becket was initially reluctant to take on this role, but he eventually agreed to do so in order to defend the Church from Henry’s attempts to control it.

As Archbishop of Canterbury, Becket immediately began to assert the rights and privileges of the Church. He resisted Henry’s attempts to interfere in Church affairs, and he refused to allow the king to try Church officials in royal courts. This angered Henry, who saw Becket’s actions as a challenge to his authority.

The tension between Becket and Henry came to a boil in 1164, when the king ordered Becket to sign a document known as the Constitutions of Clarendon. The Constitutions were a set of laws that severely limited the powers of the Church in England and gave the king greater control over the Church. Becket refused to sign the Constitutions, and Henry responded by ordering his arrest.

Becket fled to France and sought the protection of the Pope. He remained in exile for six years, during which time Henry’s power and influence in England grew. In 1170, the Pope ordered Becket to return to England and reconcile with Henry. Becket reluctantly agreed, and he returned to England in December of that year.

Upon his return to England, Becket was greeted with hostility by many of Henry’s supporters. He was harassed and threatened, and he was forced to take refuge in Canterbury Cathedral. On December 29, 1170, four knights who were loyal to Henry entered the cathedral and confronted Becket.

The knights demanded that Becket submit to the authority of the king, but Becket refused. In response, the knights attacked Becket and killed him. Becket’s murder sparked outrage in England and across Europe, and Henry was forced to do penance for Becket’s death.

Today, Thomas Becket is remembered as a martyr and a hero.

There are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way galaxy

There are an estimated 3.04 trillion trees on Earth, or about 422 trees for every person on the planet. In contrast, there are an estimated 100-400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. So, there are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

This doesn’t mean that there are more planets with trees than planets with stars. Most planets in the Milky Way are thought to be barren, with no life at all. But even if we only consider planets that could support life, there are still more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way.

This is because the Milky Way is an ancient galaxy, and most of its stars are old. The Sun is thought to be about middle-aged, at 4.6 billion years old. But the Milky Way itself is estimated to be 13.6 billion years old. So, the vast majority of the stars in the Milky Way are much older than the Sun.

As stars age, they tend to get bigger and brighter. But eventually, they run out of fuel and die. When a star dies, it often explodes as a supernova, and all that is left behind is a dense, dead core called a white dwarf.

So, even though there are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way, the number of stars is constantly changing. As stars die, new stars are born. And over time, the number of stars in the Milky Way will continue to increase.

About Milky Way –

The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. Its name “milky” is derived from its appearance as a dim glowing band arching across the night sky whose individual stars cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. From our perspective, the Milky Way appears as a spiral galaxy.

The Milky Way is just one of many galaxies. Galaxies are groups of stars and interstellar material held together by mutual gravitational attraction. Our galaxy is about 100,000 light-years across and contains more than 200 billion stars.

The Milky Way is organized into spiral arms that wind out from its centre. Our Solar System lies about 27,000 light-years from the centre of the Milky Way in one of its spiral arms, called the Orion Arm.

The structure of the Milky Way is a flattened disk with a bulge of stars at its centre. The disk is about 100,000 light-years in diameter but only about 1,000 light-years thick. It is surrounded by a much larger halo of faint stars, globular clusters, and interstellar gas and dust clouds.

The bulge at the centre of the Milky Way contains about 10% of the galaxy’s stars. It is a spherical region with a diameter of about 10,000 light-years. The bulge comprises two populations of stars: an older population of red stars and a younger population of blue stars.

The disk of the Milky Way is divided into four central regions: the inner disk, the outer disk, the halo, and the disk’s spiral arms.

The inner disk is the region of the disk closest to the bulge. It contains the oldest stars in the Milky Way. These stars are generally metal-poor and have orbits closer to the galaxy’s centre.

The outer disk is the region of the disk farthest from the bulge. It contains younger stars and is richer in metals than the inner disk. These stars have orbits that are further from the centre of the galaxy.

The halo is a spherical region that surrounds the disk of the galaxy. It contains the oldest stars in the Milky Way, globular clusters, and interstellar gas and dust clouds.

The spiral arms of the Milky Way are regions of the disk where the density of stars is higher than in the surrounding area. The spiral arms are thought to be regions where new stars are forming.

A star like our Sun is about 26,000 light-years from the centre of the Milky Way and about 2/3 of the way from the centre to the edge. Our Solar System is located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way, called the Orion Arm.

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. Spiral galaxies are characterized by their spiral arms, which are regions of the disk where the density of stars is higher than in the surrounding area. Our Solar System is located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way, called the Orion Arm.

The Milky Way is thought to have two central populations of stars: an older population of metal-poor stars and a younger population of metal-rich stars. Metal-poor stars are considered to be the stars that formed in the early stages of the galaxy’s formation. Metal-rich stars are thought to be the stars that have formed in the more recent stages of the galaxy’s formation.

The Milky Way is surrounded by a halo of faint stars, globular clusters, and interstellar gas and dust clouds. The halo is thought to be the remnants of the galaxy’s formation.

The Milky Way is thought to contain more than 200 billion stars. Our Sun is just one of these stars. Our Solar System is located about 27,000 light-years from the centre of the Milky Way in one of its spiral arms, called the Orion Arm.

James Stephen Fossett

James Stephen Fossett (1944 – 2007) was an American businessman, adventurer and record-setter. He was the first person to fly solo around the world in a hot air balloon, and also the first to do so non-stop.

Fossett was born in Jackson, Mississippi, and grew up in California. He studied economics at Stanford University, where he was a member of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. He later worked as a stockbroker and commodities trader.

In 1985, Fossett set a world record for the longest non-stop flight in a hot air balloon, flying 3,737 miles (6,036 kilometers) from South Dakota to Texas. The following year, he became the first person to fly solo around the world in a hot air balloon, covering a distance of 26,697 miles (42,974 kilometers) in just under 10 days.

In 2001, Fossett set another world record for the longest non-stop flight in a heavier-than-air aircraft, flying a leased Boeing 737-400 non-stop for 76 hours and 45 minutes. The flight covered a distance of 21,267 miles (34,223 kilometers).

Fossett also set records for the longest flights in a glider (1,636 miles or 2,632 kilometers in 2001) and a piston-powered airplane (5,766 miles or 9,267 kilometers in 2006). He also set the land speed record for a steam-powered car, reaching an speed of 148 miles (238 kilometers) per hour in Nevada in 2006.

Fossett disappeared while flying a small plane over the Sierra Nevada mountains in California in 2007. His body was found a year later, and the cause of his death was ruled to be accidental.

At the time of his death, Fossett held more than 100 aviation records. He is remembered as a skilled pilot and a courageous adventurer.


4 Ways To Hide Your IP Address

Hiding an IP address can be hard these days as it is exposed through various ways while using the internet. Below given are 4 ways to hide your IP.
Keep in mind that all of them come with limitations.

Easiest Way But Unsecured and Slow homepage

You can use a site that allows access to a website through proxies. I have tried many sites but the best and free one I found was
Although this is the easiest way to hide your IP you will still be unsecured and the connection will be slow. If you want to be anonymous one or two times it’s okay to use it but it’s not a permanent solution to hide your IP.
Please note that some of these sites keep a log of user data which they can share with authorities if they want. Recently someone got caught due to that so keep that in mind.

Slowest Way But Free & The Most Secured Too

tor browser logo
One of the best ways to hide your IP without using any other service is using a browser built for anonymity. The browser I am talking about is TOR. It gives you layered security by which I mean your IP is mixed by 6 or more IPs before reaching the designated site. It is also known as Onion Browser due to that.
To start using the TOR browser just download it from here. Install it on your device (not recommended for phones). Open the browser and start browsing you can access the surface web. You can also visit hidden sites ending with .onion using the browser.
While it is the most secure way to use the internet it is slowest too as hopping to different locations takes time.

Fastest Way But Will Cost You Money

VPN illustration


This is the best option if you want to be secure and fast no matter where you are in the world. Also, it works on any device. It is none other than VPN. Yes, although it is the most heard. A VPN is the best option when it comes to hiding your IP address.
You can choose free VPNs and Premium VPNs which we recommend because free ones are very slow and use ads. So, even though that service is not logging your data the ad service will do. Why? because that’s how ads on the internet ads work. Data is used to find the right consumer for the product.
Now comes the question of which premium service should I use?
Well, you can use anyone from the list of Top 10 VPNs. This is a non-affiliate review of the best VPNs you can use to hide your IP.

Longest Way But You Can Hide Your IP For Free

coffee and laptop
If you want to be anonymous why not connect to public wifi. It’s the best option you have no matter how big of a hacker anyone is they can only reveal an IP that is already revealed. I know you might think of it in a stupid way and indeed it is but it works.
At last, I want to say hide your IP I have told you four ways what are you waiting for now.

how to disable WebRTC on your device

WebRTC can only be disabled by the user himself and if it’s not done anyone can see your IP address even if you have VPN or proxies. Follow our step-by-step method to disable WebRTC on your device.

How to disable WebRTC in Chrome:

  • Unfortunately, there is still no way to disable WebRTC in chrome you can still try using services like VPN unlimited as they have a special extension to disable WebRTC on chrome. You can avoid chrome if you don’t want to risk the leak of IP due to WebRTC.

How to disable WebRTC in Firefox:

  • Type about:config on the search bar and press enter
  • Now, in the search type “media.peerconnection.enabled” and double click on the found setting, so it will turn to “false”.

How to disable WebRTC in Opera:

  • Go to “Settings” -> “More settings”
  • In the “WebRTC” section choose “Deactivate UDP without proxy”

How to disable WebRTC in Edge:

  • Type “about:flags” in the search bar and press enter
  • You can now hide your local IP address over WebRTC connections by clicking the Hide my local IP address over WebRTC connections check box.
  • Now it will tell you to restart the browser

For checking if your WebRTC is still leaking your IP address and other details use WhatLeaks

Top 10 VPN services to choose from

The VPN list provided below has been tested on these standards –

  • A secure network
  • Easy to use interface
  • Affordable
  • Provide multiple countries to switch between
  • Availability on different devices

All the VPN services mentioned below are able to accomplish these standards.

1. Nord VPN

  • When it comes to security Nord VPN takes it seriously being one the top players in the VPN industry they have highly-secured encrypted infrastructure which can’t be broken. With their 256-bit AES data encryption, you are able to surf the internet with full security.


  • Nord VPN has worked on this UI [User Interface] which can be seen with its ease of use. Choose the location and click on connect that’s the only thing you need to do when it comes to Nord VPN. So, in conclusion, Interface is easy to use. You can use it for certain apps and sites as well like accessing Netflix of different countries.


  • Nord VPN comes in 3 pricing plans
    • 2-year plan – $3.29 per month
    • 1-year plan – $4.92 per month
    • 1-month plan – $11.95 per month


  • Right now Nord VPN has 5137 servers in 60 countries. You can connect to any of these servers after buying any of the above-mentioned plans.


  • You can use Nord VPN on all the devices mentioned below –
    • Android
    • Windows
    • macOS
    • iPhone, iPad, IOS
    • Linux
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Android TV
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Chromecast
    • Firestick

2. Express VPN

  • Express VPN has the same AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with 256-bit keys like Nord VPN which provides Express VPN users military-grade protection.


  • Express VPN is a very popular and widely used VPN so you won’t be facing any issue in using Express VPN as there are millions of videos and text guides present to help you to get started with Express VPN.


  • Express VPN comes in 3 pricing plans as well
    • 1 month – $12.95 per month
    • 6 months – $9.99 per month
    • 15 months – $6.67 per month


  • Express allows you to switch between 160 VPN server locations in 94 countries which are better in comparison to Nord VPN providing only 60 countries to switch between.


  • You can use Express VPN on these devices mentioned below –
    • macOS
    • Android
    • Windows
    • IOS
    • Linux
    • Routers
    • Kindle Fire
    • Chromebook
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Edge
    • Apple TV
    • Fire TV
    • Samsung Smart TV
    • Roku
    • Chromecast
    • Nvidia Shield
    • Android TV
    • Xbox
    • PlayStation
    • Nintendo Switch

3. Surfshark VPN

  • Surfshark VPN comes with AES-256-GCM encryption and no-log policy which allows any user to feel secure to surf any part of the web.


  • When it comes to easy-to-use UI Surfshark VPN is the best because you can easily start and stop VPN and change VPN to various locations.


  • Surfshark also has 3 plans to choose from –
    • 1 month – $12.07 per month
    • 6 months – $6.70 per month
    • 24 months – $2.22 per month


  • Surfshark has 3200+ servers in 65 countries which is still better than Nord VPN but not better than Express VPN.


  • You can use Shurfshark VPN on all of the devices mentioned below –
    • Windows
    • macOS
    • Linux
    • Android
    • IOS
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Edge
    • Fire TV
    • Apple TV
    • Android TV
    • Smart TV
    • Playstation
    • Xbox
    • Routers

4. CyberGhost VPN

  • CyberGhost VPN is not just a VPN but a suite of software solutions to make sure you are absolutely safe when you browse the internet. If you have CyberGhost properly set up you can roam around the internet like a ghost with no one able to catch you. It comes with an antivirus able to detect and block any malware, ransomware, adware, and spyware on your system. It also has an AES 256-bit encryption to provide military-grade encryption on your data.


  • In comparison to all the VPN mentioned above CyberGhost has a learning curve as it comes with a lot of options to choose from but due to easy-to-follow tutorials, it won’t take long for a user to grasp everything CyberGhost has to offer.


  • CyberGhost comes with 3 pricing plans as well –
    • 1 month – $12.02 per month
    • 26 months – $2.28 per month
    • 6 months –  $6.38 per month


  • CyberGhost has 7400 VPN servers in 91 countries which is the best in the entire industry because you can switch between 7400 locations in a few clicks. No other VPN service is going to provide this many locations.


  • List of all the devices CyberGhost can be used on –
    • Windows
    • macOS
    • Linux
    • Android
    • IOS
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Fire TV
    • Smart TV
    • Android TV
    • Apple TV
    • Xbox
    • Playstation
    • Routers

5. IPVanish VPN

  • IPVanish comes with advanced encryption and zero traffic logs which gives any user a good amount of security certainly not better than CyberGhost or any of the above-mentioned VPN services.


  • IPVanish also has an easy to use to interface even though as a programmer I would like to comment that the UI is not even close to what their competitors are providing.


  • IPVanish has 75 regions.


  • IPVanish also has 3 pricing plans –
    • 1 month – $10.99
    • 1 year – $4.50
    • 2 years – $3.96


  • IP Vanish is available on these devices –
    • Windows
    • macOS
    • Android
    • IOS
    • Fire TV
    • Linux
    • Chrome
    • Router

6. Vypr VPN

  • Vypr comes with DNS leak protection and a no-log policy other than that it also provides NAT firewall which is high-end encryption in order to make sure you don’t lose your IP address.


  • Vypr VPN has an easy-to-use interface quite similar to SurfShark.


  • Vypr has over 700 servers throughout the world for you to switch between.


  • Vypr VPN comes with 3 pricing plans –
    • 36 months – $1.81 per month
    • 18 months – $2.50 per month
    • 2 months – $6.47 per month


  • Vypr VPN can be used on all these devices –
    • Windows
    • Android
    • IOS
    • macOS
    • Router
    • TV
    • Roku
    • Chrome

7. Strong VPN

  • Strong VPN comes with 2048 Bit Encryption which is able to provide a really secured connection. You can access Chinese sites as well using a Strong VPN. It has a no-log policy and comes with IP and DNS leak protection.


  • The UI of Strong VPN is quite easy to use and it comes with Light & dark mode which allows users to save battery or use Light mode to see the standard app.


  • Strong VPN has 950+ servers in 35 countries and 59 cities which gives you a lot of options to choose from.


  • Strong VPN comes with only 2 plans –
    • Annual Plan – $3.66 per month
    • Monthly Plan – $10.99 per month


  • Strong VPN is available on these devices –
    • Windows
    • Android
    • IOS
    • macOS
    • Router
    • TV
    • Chrome

8. Lime VPN

  • Lime VPN also comes with 256-bit Military-Grade Encryption which gives users the same security as all the other VPNs above.


  • Lime VPN has a learning curve and you need to go through there How to use guide in order to use the Lime VPN.


  • Lime VPN allows you to switch between 17 locations worldwide.


  • Lime VPN comes with 2 plans –
    • Basic
      • 1 month – $2.40 per month
      • 1 year – $19.99 per month
    • Pro
      • 1 month – $1.49 per month
      • 1 year – $14.98 per month


  • Lime VPN is available on all these devices
    • Windows
    • Android
    • IOS
    • macOS
    • Router
    • TV
    • Chrome

9. Private Internet Access

  • Private Internet Access has over 10+ years of experience in providing VPN service. It uses wireguard encryption which is one of the best encryptions in order to keep its users secure and safe.


  • It is used by millions of users and is able to create an interface that is really easy to use. You will be able to use it easily right away.


  • You can switch between 78 countries in PIA VPN.


  • It comes with 3 plans to choose from –
    • 1 month – $10.07 per month
    • 3 years + 3 months – $2.01 per month
    • 1 year – $3.37 per month


  • Private Internet Access VPN is available on all these devices
    • Windows
    • Android
    • IOS
    • macOS
    • Router
    • TV
    • Chrome

10. WeVPN

  • Last but not least WeVPN comes with advanced leak protection, no-log policy, split tunneling, WeBlock, and WeDNS to give you an overall safe and secured encryption under which your IP address and other details are hidden.


  • WeVPN is very easy to use on any device. You can easily switch countries based on your choice.


  • You can switch better 66 VPN locations.


  • WeVPN comes with 3 pricing plans –
    • 2 years + 3 months – $2.96 per month
    • 1 month – $9.95 per month
    • 1 year – $4.16 per month


  • WeVPN is available on all these devices
    • Windows
    • Android
    • IOS
    • macOS
    • Router
    • TV
    • Chrome

Continue reading Top 10 VPN services to choose from

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